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Zazagasy project
Spectacle et animation clowns

EDLR Christmas Party – Saturday December 16, 2017 at Tsimbazaza Botanical and Zoological Park

EDLR Christmas Party – Saturday December 16, 2017 at Tsimbazaza Botanical and Zoological Park Dear godfathers, dear visitors, dear friends L’année dernière, nous avons eu une merveilleuse expérience de la visite du Lémur’sparc, durant laquelle, nos enfants ont eu la chance et le bonheur de découvrir encore plus la faune et la flore de leur pays et surtout le premier ambassadeur de Madagascar le lémurien !! Cette année, nous étions au Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza… Le parc se situe

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How cute they are;)

EDLR & HOMEOPHARMA: distribution of food donations in Ambohipeno

EDLR & HOMEOPHARMA: distribution of food donations in Ambohipeno Tuesday May 30 was a remarkable day for our children in Ambohipeno… They were very happy to receive the Homeopharma team who had come to distribute food supplements … All the children in the CP1, CP2, CE, CM1 and CM2 class each had two a products: SOYA-FY (soya powder) and FENO HERY … Homeopharma is already offering us an exceptional 10% discount on all their products and a free consultation for our

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Happiness, joy, reflected on our faces;)

Celebrating our 20th anniversary

Celebrating our 20th anniversary Dear sponsors & amp; godmothers, dear donors & amp; donors, dear visitors, dear faithful friend (s) of the International Solidarity Channel “Street Children”! Saturday April 08, was an exceptional day for the present members of the channel, our guests, the committee and our academics. Children who for the most part were taken off the streets very young and whom we have seen grow and evolve and if not all have been able to access higher education at

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Christmas 2008 in pictures of Enfants De La Rue en images

EDLR Christmas party December 21, 2016 – Park visit and picnic organized

EDLR Christmas party December 21, 2016 – Park visit and picnic organized Visit to lemur’s Park of Ambatomirahavavy and picnic at “KIJANA MEVA” PK 22 – RN1 The photos will speak for themselves. As a souvenir, they made drawings of those who touched them the most and the adults, they made an essay. We will soon publish all their works! We warmly thank: ** our donors ** our partners ** our collaborators ** all the people who contributed to make this

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