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My very dear friends ...

We are back in the midst of preparing for the end of year party… A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then my last letter
One year already The difficult events that Madagascar has been going through since the beginning of this year mean that within the committee, some of our active members leave the country for good… This is the case of Nirina, Raymond and Joëlle, whom we thank from the bottom of our hearts for the work they did during their mandate. Michette, our dynamic editor is now a little tired. She is therefore withdrawing from her post. Although always with us in thought and by heart her smiling face will no longer appear on our site Too bad…
I would like to thank her here for the moments she devoted to making it live and especially during my long absence… I will therefore take up the pen myself from time to time to give you news while waiting to find a charitable soul who will be willing to take up the vacant post! Véronique our devoted secretary will leave the country for good on December 17th to fly to Australia … Veronica you will leave an indelible mark of your stay with us, you will be sadly missed, thank you for everything you have done for EDLRs, thank you for being here and for taking on this immense job of secretary.


She will put the files of the 350 children online so that each godfather or godmother can with a single “click” have access to their little one’s data protected !!
No more letters, envelopes, stamps etc … Make way for progress … Make way for emails !!

INSIYA will also take over the post of secretary left vacant by the departure regretted de Véro, and will be responsible for communication for our ZAZAGASY PROJECT

Here is our fresh news … see you later for news of the party which promises to be good … To have funds to do so face,


A calendar of anniversares sold at 10,000Ar.
10 different photo bookmarks to mark the books at 3,000Ar per piece.
Our cards in 9 different poses at 20,000Ar.
Our superb Zazagasy book at 75.000Ar
ALL THESE ITEMS ARE FOUND: at the head office of “Street Children”
For orders you can call me on 034 11 336 09!
You will also find them: on sale at the bookstore” Reading and Leisure “Tana Water Front Pregnant
Tel: 22 325 83 and Chez “Planète Sports” in Ankorondrano!

Please note that the items you buy have been designed and made in Madagascar … By your purchase you are offering the children of our association who are find in a difficult situation the possibility of changing their path… Your purchase is like a ray of sunshine in the lives of these children and their families; they thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your gesture and this sharing of love …