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Project inauguration ZAZAGASY

Dear Visitors !

Wednesday, October 29 was a memorable day for all of us at the International Solidarity Chain Enfants de la Rue…

Our Founding President’s dream of over 17 years came true…

Despite the many obstacles, we never lost faith;and God is our witness, there were times wehad many reasons to be discouraged or disappointed… After each disappointment, we took up the fight again and felt even more determined to succeed. We finally did it! All our efforts have borne fruit

We inaugurated our ProjetZazagasy! THANK YOU LORD!!

We spent a wonderful time with the children, the principal and the teachers, the local authorities including the Mayor of Ambohimanambola, the Vice-President of the Fokontany of Ambohipeno and a few distinguished friends….

We are pleased to share the pictures that captured this memorable day…

Thank you on behalf of the children,
thank you on behalf of their families, thank you to the fokontany (the village….)
our heartfelt thanks for believing in us!….