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Enfants de la Rue Christmas Party 2005 ♥

On Wednesday December 14, 2005 at 2 p.m., the END-OF-THE-YEAR PARTY FOR OUR 290 LITTLE PROTECTED PERSONS was held at the Town Hall of the 1st Arrondissement.

You can take note of the names of our generous donors and sponsors as you read the short speech. This year we had the privilege of being sponsored by the Carlton Hotel who had put at our disposal a whole team which greatly helped us to the good progress of this recreational afternoon. The Carlton provided a children’s snack and a cartoon screening in addition to their dedication. We also benefited from the help of the Telma who donated 300 t-shirts

Fortunately we were able to count on these dedicated donors because with 290 children to place and serve, it becomes more and more difficult to manage for our small committee. Your little ones therefore showed up around 1:30 p.m. so that we had time to give them drinks and sweets at the entrance and staple their respective numbers so that you could recognize them in the photo with Santa Claus.
They were all dressed in the same outfit cut from fabric received from one of our generous donors. Once settled in which took a while, they very much enjoyed showing the cartoons for about 50 minutes.

Then the great magical moment arrived: the entry of Santa Claus greeted by very applause supported and the delivery of gifts and the free raffle draw where each child was a winner ……

A At the outing, each child also received a package containing a 2 kg bag of rice, spirulina, cookies and an additional drink. To see them smiling like this, with full bellies and well dressed, we were rewarded for all the work that we had done in preparing for this party, which ended around 6 pm; we were broken up but HAPPY !!! It remains for us to extend our sincere thanks to all of you and offer you our best wishes for 2006.

Nicky Van Ass
Présidente- Fondatrice.

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